Multi-Sensory Storytelling

Creative Chef Jasper Udink ten Cate

How can you tell a story through food and music? What is Multi-Sensory Storytelling? Are all chefs drummers? Should prominent leaders start a band together? In this episode, Creative Companion meets the Creative Chef. We have a lively conversation with Jasper Udink ten Cate, artist, designer, futurist, keynote speaker, book author and drummer. He worked […]

The Thrills of Business

The Thrills of Business

What are the thrills of business? What are the similarities between the technology and the record industry? And what is situational leadership? In this episode, we connect with Padraic McMahon, Customer Success Manager at Hubspot, a software company that helps businesses grow. Padraic has worked in Management positions at Google and LinkedIn. Before that, he […]

Cross-pollination in leadership

cross-pollination in leadership with Ilkka Mäkitalo

Can we be successful in more than one field? What about the multiple me’s we have developed in different areas? What does cross-pollination in leadership mean? Today we are in Finland, my guest is  Ilkka Mäkitalo – musician, teacher, CEO, Co-Founder of Howspace and Conductor of Jyvaskyla Big Band.  We chat about instruments,  jazz and how […]

Music and the Brain

Music and the brain

Did you know that music can help you to rewire your brain? This episode is about the working of music on the brain and behaviour. My guest today is Artur Jaschke – neuromusicologist and professor for music-based therapies and interventions at the ArtEZ University of the Arts in Enschede and he also works at the […]

Deep listening® with Sharon Stewart

Deep Listening with Sharon Stewart

This episode is about listening – deep listening®. My guest today is Sharon Stewart –  creator of sound works, musician, poet, researcher, piano teacher and deep listener.  We learn about the Center for Deep Listening® at Rensselaer and the retreats that were held by composer Pauline Oliveros and the many ways to listen, for example […]

Innovation patterns and improvisation in organisations

Innovation patterns and improvisation in organisations with Wolfgang Stark

This episode is about Innovation patterns and improvisation in organisations. Today, my guest is Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Stark – teacher and researcher specialised in organisational and community psychology and visiting fellow at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam.  With natural sounds, like birds and wind in the background, we talk about how to co-create the sound […]

Music as a Catalyst for Change

Nifemi Aluko, Music as a catalyst for change

We talk with Nifemi Aluko – Founder and CEO of kpakpakpa and author of the book Press Play, Music as a catalyst for change. Nifemi is a traveller between California and Nigeria and – as he calls – a Youtube inspired bedroom producer. We talk about his journey from a chemical engineer to an advisor […]

Human-Centred Design Podcast

Human-centred design

Gerry Scullion, the founder of This is HCD, the global human-centred design podcast and international design community of change-makers, and Founder and CEO of This is is talking with Christof Zürn They chat about the interrelationship between Design and Music and what Design can learn from thinking like a musician. Gerry, as an ‘ex’ […]

Who, what and why this Podcast

The Power of Music Thinking Podcast

In this very first episode of the brand new podcast The Power of Music Thinking, your host Christof Zürn will tell you about the background of this podcast. Who he is, why he started a podcast and what you can expect every two weeks. Christof is a seasoned professional in accompanying individuals, teams and organisations […]

Innovation, Werte und Wandel – podcast 2

THINK TWICE! The German podcast about innovation, values and change by and with Niels Benson & Friends. A podcast with a high nutrient density that does not string together the familiar buzzword phrases, but rather relates different perspectives, experiences, intentions and observations in an honest, holistic and interconnected way. Deutsch THINK TWICE! Der Podcast über […]