Innovation patterns and improvisation in organisations

Innovation patterns and improvisation in organisations with Wolfgang Stark

This episode is about Innovation patterns and improvisation in organisations. Today, my guest is Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Stark – teacher and researcher specialised in organisational and community psychology and visiting fellow at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam.  With natural sounds, like birds and wind in the background, we talk about how to co-create the sound […]

Music as a Catalyst for Change

Nifemi Aluko, Music as a catalyst for change

We talk with Nifemi Aluko – Founder and CEO of kpakpakpa and author of the book Press Play, Music as a catalyst for change. Nifemi is a traveller between California and Nigeria and – as he calls – a Youtube inspired bedroom producer. We talk about his journey from a chemical engineer to an advisor […]

Human-Centred Design Podcast

Human-centred design

Gerry Scullion, the founder of This is HCD, the global human-centred design podcast and international design community of change-makers, and Founder and CEO of This is is talking with Christof Zürn They chat about the interrelationship between Design and Music and what Design can learn from thinking like a musician. Gerry, as an ‘ex’ […]

A mindset for entrepreneurship, leadership and design

The Power of Music Thinking Podcast

In this show, we talk about the mindset of entrepreneurship, leadership and design. We are in Boston and in Cyprus, we chat with Michael Hendrix, Partner and Global Design Director at IDEO and with Panos Panay, Vice President for Strategy & Innovation at Berklee College of Music. Michael and Panos talk about their experience as […]

Blockchain Philosophy and Collaborative Transformation for Change

The Power of Music Thinking Podcast

We talk about the blockchain philosophy, the concept of tokens and starting a cooperative with a joint goal and purpose. We talk with Roy Scheerder – co-founder of the dutch cooperative Faebric. In this episode, we speak about Roy’s journey from hospitality to the lean and mean asset machine of the airline business and how […]

Who, what and why this Podcast

The Power of Music Thinking Podcast

In this very first episode of the brand new podcast The Power of Music Thinking, your host Christof Zürn will tell you about the background of this podcast. Who he is, why he started a podcast and what you can expect every two weeks. Christof is a seasoned professional in accompanying individuals, teams and organisations […]

Innovation, Werte und Wandel – podcast 2

THINK TWICE! The German podcast about innovation, values and change by and with Niels Benson & Friends. A podcast with a high nutrient density that does not string together the familiar buzzword phrases, but rather relates different perspectives, experiences, intentions and observations in an honest, holistic and interconnected way. Deutsch THINK TWICE! Der Podcast über […]

If you can’t adapt, adopt!

if you can't adapt, adopt!

‘If you can’t adapt, adopt!’ I am fascinated by signs, language and what can come out of it. Take a musical score and compare it with the music played with the help of that score. Did you realise that before the invention of the phonograph, gramophone, tape recorder, record player, cd player, mp3-player and streaming […]