Today we are in Mumbai. We talk with Jeena Earthiva. Jeena is a Transformational Coach, a Producer with a master’s in Computer Science, an ex-Bollywood singer, the Founder of Conscious Music Code, and a ‘Mind DJ’. Jeena conveys her story of a successful Bollywood singer who lost her voice at the top of her singing […]
How to find a way out of chaos “Halt im Haltlosen” was the theme of the 10th SWF Forum in Berlin. More info here. There were many stimulating impulses from Sociologist to Climate Investigator, from Chess Grandmaster to Design Researcher, from Journalist to Head of the Collaborative Governance Lab – enriched with practical interventions from […]
We are in the in-between space; between music and business, education and performance, listening and understanding, and London and Tokyo. So, today we talk with Michael Spencer. Michael is the founder of Sound Strategies Ltd, a TEDx speaker, Visiting Professor at Ueno Gakuen University (Tokyo), and the Communication Director of the Japan Philharmonic Orchestra. He […]
This episode is about art, innovation and leadership. What is the relationship between art-based learning, innovation and co-creation? How do you lead an ensemble of leaders? Is a conductor actually just a middle manager? Today we are in New York and talking with Harvey Seifter. Harvey is the founder of The Art of Science Learning, […]
This is a special episode about listening in the field and some listening activities I did last month. Hear more about a short field recording in the middle of the most dangerous roundabout in the Netherlands, about the visit to my birth town in the South of Germany, where I have recorded the Turmbläser, […]
I am always on the lookout, searching and experimenting with visualisations of the dynamic strategy of music thinking. The idea of music thinking, the concept and, as I called it earlier, the music thinking framework, is a dynamic model to help individuals, teams, and organisations to work together better. And Ta-Taa!!!: Here is the Music […]
Today we touch base on the intersection between music and photography and that in many different ways. My guest today is Charles Brooks, an exceptionable photographer and musician, that for the last 20 years has been New Zealand’s most successful orchestral cellist. Charles held principal positions in Australia, China, Chile and Brazil, with concerts worldwide. […]
Is there a connection between a podcast and a symphony? Well, if you want, there is. Let’s rephrase that question: what is the ideal length of a podcast episode? And, the answer is: more or less the length of a symphony. Let me explain. The term symphony comes from a Greek word meaning “A sounding […]
Today we are in Singapore; we talk with Benjamin Pelzer, Assistant Professor of the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information at Nanyang Technological University. Ben is trained in Music Theory and Psychology. He works as an assistant professor and scientist with expertise in the methods of cognitive neuroscience, machine learning, computational social science, […]
Are you listening? Are you Deep Listening? How do you move from scoring to listening? Well, composer Pauline Oliveros taught us how to use short instructions – she calls them Text Scores – to interact and listen deeply. What is it? A Text Score is a short instruction to engage (non) musicians in an activity. […]