The Music Thinking Mantra

The shorthand of Music Thinking is: Listen, Tune, Play and Perform. I call it the Music Thinking Mantra. You can do this over and over again – well, like a mantra. Wear the Music Thinking Mantra on a T-shirt Show that you are music thinking and wear the Mantra on your T-shirt as a statement, […]

Dynamic Strategies as an Intervention

Dynamic Strategies with Music Thinking Approach

How to find a way out of chaos “Halt im Haltlosen” was the theme of the 10th SWF Forum in Berlin. More info here. There were many stimulating impulses from Sociologist to Climate Investigator, from Chess Grandmaster to Design Researcher, from Journalist to Head of the Collaborative Governance Lab – enriched with practical interventions from […]

It is about time – the music thinking clock

the music thinking clock showing the dynamic strategies

I am always on the lookout, searching and experimenting with visualisations of the dynamic strategy of music thinking. The idea of music thinking, the concept and, as I called it earlier, the music thinking framework, is a dynamic model to help individuals, teams, and organisations to work together better. And Ta-Taa!!!: Here is the Music […]

Giving Better Instructions with Text Scores

Text Score

Are you listening? Are you Deep Listening? How do you move from scoring to listening? Well, composer Pauline Oliveros taught us how to use short instructions – she calls them Text Scores – to interact and listen deeply. What is it? A Text Score is a short instruction to engage (non) musicians in an activity. […]

This is how to position yourself as a leader

Leadership Positions in Music Thinking

What if you look at your business endeavour with a music mindset? Is it possible to find patterns and positions in music and then explore them in your work field? Let’s have a look at the key visual “Leadership Positions of Music Thinking” from the book The Power of Music Thinking. The book starts with […]

International Co-creation Learning Lab

Last week we did a music thinking lecture at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam) as part of the AURORA International Co-Creation Learning Lab. Video of the co-creation In three steps, Danny La Haye, Wolfgang Stark and Christof Zürn teamed up to co-create a practical music thinking intervention:Bass and Saxophone to explain different positions a co-creator should use in a free improvisation based on […]

Improvisation Business

improvisation business in vuca times

Business improvisation in VUCA times. A 3-hour interactive lecture concert. An experiment in Zoom for 16 participants from various companies. Here is the introductory video with a very short glimpse of the first musical interaction..

Performing the Sounds of Empathy

We were invited to do a music thinking breakout session. The objective was to engage half of the conference (about 70 people) in a breakout workshop, let them learn and reflect about the things they heard and make a performance all together after the last actor to end the day with a big bang.