What if you look at your business endeavour with a music mindset? Is it possible to find patterns and positions in music and then explore them in your work field?
Let’s have a look at the key visual “Leadership Positions of Music Thinking”
from the book The Power of Music Thinking. The book starts with a quote:
“I wrote this book for you: the leader who knows that followers
can be leaders, and leaders become followers.”
Christof Zürn, The Power of Music Thinking

What is it about?
Because music is such a big and diverse field, it is interesting how leading and following are practised there.
Have a look at the Leadership Positions graphic. In Music Thinking, a leader can take different positions to facilitate the right outcome. It is important to understand the score, dynamics, and what kind of result is needed for your audience.
You should ask yourself the question: What kind of leadership and followership would we need for our organisation or team? What possible positions and capabilities should the leadership style incorporate for the best result?
Do you need
- a composer who works on the score and changes it so that the players know exactly what to play, based on the composer’s unique imagination to surprise the audience;
- a master who mentors, coaches and, based on his function as a living role model, example, and personality, inspires and accompanies everyone to meet the
- best results;
- a conductor who knows the score, the vision of the composer, and also knows the venue and the audience and has the knowledge and the authority to lead experts to the highest performance;
- an improviser who works as a creative player in the middle of the music who can invent and play on the spot, engage others to play their very best, while also being the chief listener of the group and the changing audience;
- a producer who knows the instrument’s technicalities, the possibilities of all players, and the way the audience is listening; and who has the personality and power to change things so that everyone can be their best.
Is leadership a role, a position or a mindset?
Are you playing jazz, classical music, hip hop, folk, EDM, or another style? It might matter because the way you listen might influence the way you lead.
If you need all the above, then compare the positions of Music Thinking leadership that every leader should know. And if your business, challenge, or programme is genre-fluid – a mix of different styles – you might need a leader who can change positions and players who can lead and follow.
So playing an instrument or singing can also be the start of leading.
So it is not leadership as such, but the activity of leading, which means that at least someone must follow.
Do you like what you read above?
Read more about Music Thinking, get more templates and workshop activities, link to playlists, podcasts and download templates:
Buy The Power of Music Thinking book
wherever you buy books.
Use ‘The Positions of Leadership’ as Intervention in a Workshop
We used this idea on several interventions in strategy meetings, team development, and conferences. For example, with the European Parliament in Paris and the secretary general and his cabinet to find out what positions are needed in the near future and on the SWF Form in Berlin to let 100 systemic experts feel the power of music thinking and possible leadership positions.

Please contact us if you need help with co-creation, strategy, change and innovation or if you want to use the positions as an intervention in your event.
Free Download – use it in a presentation and discuss it with your team.
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Please share your outcomes; I am sure you will have unheard conversations: on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook
If you want more information, please consider buying the book.
More templates to download
- The unanswered question.
- What is your Song, Style and Service?
- Map your ensembles.
- From squiggle to sine – a musical way out of the chaos.
- Musical expressions when working together.
- The roles of a co-creator.
- Guiding Principles for Business Improvisation.
- Pattern Repository Graphic.
More Music Thinking
- Subscribe to the Podcast – The Power of Music Thinking
- Info and order options about the Book – The Power of Music Thinking
- Info about the Jam Cards
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