Is there a connection between a podcast and a symphony?

is the a connection between a podcast and a symphony?

Is there a connection between a podcast and a symphony? Well, if you want, there is. Let’s rephrase that question: what is the ideal length of a podcast episode?  And, the answer is: more or less the length of a symphony. Let me explain.  The term symphony comes from a Greek word meaning “A sounding […]

World-building and empathic storytelling with Eelko Lommers

Eelko Lommers, Storytelling

What are the links between daily work for a multinational company, empathic storytelling and playing in a band? My guest today is Eelko Lommers, Global Director Product Experience Design at IKEA, creator, designer, writer of a (not yet published) novel and a musician in a post-hardcore band. We talk about empathy with clients, personality in […]

What Music taught me about political journalism with Matt K. Lewis

What Music taught me about political journalism with Matt K. Lewis on The Power of Music Thinking Podcast

What has political journalism to do with music? Well, quite a lot. My guest today is Matt K Lewis from West Virginia, a political columnist for the daily beast, former CNN contributor, TV commentator for MSNBC’s morning show, a podcaster on Matt Lewis and the News (pun intended) and musician. Matt shares with us that […]

Are you a polymath? with Barbara Kleeb

are you a polymath? with Barbara Kleeb

In The Power of Music Thinking podcast, we have conversations with exciting people that are also musicians. They see analogies between music and the areas they are working. So what they do is combine knowledge and skills from multiple fields to make significant contributions to various areas.  In The Power of Music Thinking book, I […]

Every Noise at Once with Glenn McDonald

Every Noise at Once website

Well, it’s this time of the year. And I am not talking about the countdown until Christmas and the holiday. I am also not talking about ‘the word of the year’, or any other review compiled and curated by air quote “specialists”. I am talking about you, or better about your data, or even more […]

Talking with social selling influencer Tim Hughes

Social Selling by Tim Hughes

Tim Hughes, CEO of Digital Leadership Associates is the world’s #1 social selling influencer. He is a bestselling author and likes listening to vinyl. Tim has a podcast that he is producing live on Youtube, LinkedIn, Facebook and more platforms. Tim asked me if I would like to talk about my new book The Power […]

Modular Strategies with Rikkert Achtereekte

modular strategies

My guest today is Rikkert Achtereekte, customer director of sales and electronic musician. Rikkert works for the IT engineering company Schuberg Philis, which focuses on mission-critical processes. And Rikkert is a composer and performer of electronic music and gets together with some friends for a bi-monthly improvisation session on modular synthesizers. Rikkert shares insights about […]

The Instrument with a Smile with Dagan Bernstein – Ukulele

Ukulele - the instrument with a smile. A conversation with Dagan Bernstein

Today we are in Hawaii. We speak with Ukulele Player Dagan Bernstein, a teacher and musician passionate about designing and leading innovative educational experiences. Dagan is currently serving as Capstone Coordinator at an independent K-12 international boarding school in Hawaii with additional expertise in mathematics, music, and digital media instruction.  We speak about collaboration in […]

The Sound of Nature with Hélène Seiyu Codjo – Shakuhachi

Shakuhachi - the sound of nature

Today you can listen to a conversation with Hélène Seiyu Codjo and the sound of the shakuhachi – the Japanese bamboo flute with five finger holes. Hélène is a shakuhachi performer, composer and teacher.  “In the single tone of the shakuhachi, the whole of nature can be heard whispering its secrets.” Dean Seicho Del Bene […]

Waarde over consistentie

Podcast MAsters Podcast met Christof Zürn over The Power of Music Thinking

The Dutch Podcast Masters Podcast is a series of episodes were podcast producers are interviewed to inspire listening and podcasting. We talk about the story of The Power of Music Thinking and how the podcast relates to the book. You hear why the episodes differ between 30 and 90 minutes. How to connect with international […]