Are we asking the right question? How might we change the world? The unanswered question template might help (free download).

Are we asking the right question? How might we change the world? The unanswered question template might help (free download).
When the dutch railway’s asked Faebric to design and lead the integration of the commercial organisation with the IT department they choose to do this with the music thinking approach. Read the case.
This is story number 9 in the behind the cards series.
The time of thinking or asking questions is over. It is showtime, it is just doing, and the partners involved have to trust each other to create a seamless experience for themself and others.
Business improvisation in VUCA times. A 3-hour interactive lecture concert. An experiment in Zoom for 16 participants from various companies. Here is the introductory video with a very short glimpse of the first musical interaction..
The Listen Card [8/38] [behind the cards]
The essence of the Listen card is to establish active listening. Listening can be a leadership practice to move from knowledge to wisdom. Or in other words to find the signal in the noise. Knowledge speaks, wisdom listens a quote by Jimi Hendrix.
Guest Blog by Alcedo Coenen about the composition Plus-Minus by Karlheinz Stockhausen and what we can learn from this in creating a meta language.
We were invited to do a music thinking breakout session. The objective was to engage half of the conference (about 70 people) in a breakout workshop, let them learn and reflect about the things they heard and make a performance all together after the last actor to end the day with a big bang.
At the moment we are planning new courses open training en in-house training . Focus is on how to use music thinking in your organisation.
In April we did half-day music thinking workshop for an international think tank that stands for ‘brands with a conscience’. The idea was to generate new ideas for the celebration of their 20th anniversary in 2020.