The Journey Card [5/38] [behind the cards] The essence of the Journey card is to think about what our most important assets are. It means, what is the most important asset that we have to keep when we are going on a journey. …
The Creativity Card [4/38] [behind the cards] There are many books written about creativity and creativity is not just a skill or a magic wand that helps us when we are desperately looking for solutions for big problems. There are many ways of being creative, and this can be in small and simple but also in complicated or even complex situations.
The Understanding Card [3/38] [behind the cards] If we are aware of something new, that we recognise but don’t know what it is and can’t understand, we often tend to ignore it. Because it does not make any sense to us. This happens to us in business but also at home with our families and friends.
The Activity Card [2/38] [behind the cards] Everybody knows this or at least was in a situation where you got stuck into something. Especially when we are in a new position or new environment we sometimes feel limited and have the feeling to avoid making missteps or mistakes.
The Tools Card [1/38] [behind the cards] We spend time and money to find out who we are, how we can grow our business and the way that leads us to big hairy audacious goals. And from time to time we change this because we encounter new possibilities or constraints. But what about the things that help us shape this bright future?
We did a music thinking workshop during this year’s Design Thinking Conference in Amsterdam. Because Empathy is one of the six cues of music thinking we extend the theme to “through different ears” because music thinking starts with listening.