Everything about Orchestration with Robin Hoffmann

Everything about orchestration with Robin Hoffmann for the Power of Music Thinking podcast

A few episodes ago, I asked the question What is Orchestration? This was because I saw a lot of different orchestrators, nota bene, non-musical orchestrators with job titles like Design Orchestrator, Value Network Orchestrator, Data Orchestrator and Innovation Orchestrator, just to name a few. It is a long list that combines one field, like Design […]

Performing in Japan with Björn Eichstädt

Performing in Japan with Björn Eichstädt

Today we are in München, Germany, talking to Björn Eichstädt, Managing Partner & Co-Owner of Storymaker and publisher of the digital magazine “J-BIG – Japan Business in Germany”. He studied Neurobiology and was active in experimental music in the 1990s and 2000s.  Björn takes us on a trip to Japan. From J-Horror Films, Japanese Spirits, […]