In May we did one-day music thinking workshop for a very energised team of about 22 communication experts in a great venue in the black forest of Germany.

We started the day with some Music In You exercise by letting the participants write down and cluster their favourite songs + artists. These songs are also put together in a Spotify Playlist.

After a short introduction to Music Thinking and the Music Thinking Framework, we continued with an individual Serendipity Lab exercise with the Jam Cards.
The findings from the results were first discussed in duos. Then as a next step, the discussion was brought further and iterated upon in quartets. Each quartet was based around one of the six cues of Music Thinking.

After the lunch break, we did a Paper Creativity Session to introduce the participants to the concept of leadership and followership. They practised the basics of creativity interaction: listen, guide and support.
We used A4 paper as an instrument to make the interaction inclusive. Did you ever play on an A4?

Eventually it was time to get back to the quartets and to REMIX all the gained knowledge. We closed the day with 1 minute performances by each quartet.
A lot of smiling faces and an energised team afterwards: What a great energetic Music Thinking workshop in a beautiful environment!

Find the right approach for bridging service design with branding, agile, service design and organisational change
We offer you a custom-made programme designed around your particular objectives. We will guide you through service design and the music thinking framework. We can advise you how to bridge silos in your organisation and combine service design with branding, agile and organisational change.
Contact us: We are happy hearing your specific question or need.