Templates from The Power of Music Thinking Book
Click on the picture to open a new window and download. Templates as explained in the book
Key Visuals from The Power of Music Thinking Book
Click on the picture to open a new window and download. Key Visuals as explained in the book.
For more info, stories, background
and how to use the templates
in your organisation
please consider
buying the the book now!
Jam Cards templates

Then you can use the three templates when playing with the Jam Cards:

Other instruments

The Persona Core Poster was downloaded more than 80.000 times via my old blog since I designed it in 2011. And this is why I also included it here.
If you need help or assistance to set up a persona workshop or programme check with CREATIVE COMPANION

The Aspirational Persona Poster fits all brand Expressions. This Is Our Inspiration for products, services and stories.
Do you need an experienced facilitator, trainer or coach?
Please drop us a note via
Download Presentation : What is Music Thinking?

Don’t miss a template
In Music Thinking, we call tools and interventions instruments. Some of the instruments have templates that you can download and use for free. However, we ask you not to change the templates but use them in their original form and give credits to Music Thinking or Creative Companion. We would also love to see pictures while using the templates.
Download Music Thinking Instruments will be improved over time. This is the start of collecting all the templates and presentations that I am using in creativity, service design, organisational change, design thinking, branding and music thinking. I just needed one place to add them all. So here it is.
Subscribe to our newsletter and be sure to get information when we add new templates to the Download Music Thinking Instruments page.