Everything about Orchestration with Robin Hoffmann

A few episodes ago, I asked the question What is Orchestration? This was because I saw a lot of different orchestrators, nota bene, non-musical orchestrators with job titles like Design Orchestrator, Value Network Orchestrator, Data Orchestrator and Innovation Orchestrator, just to name a few. It is a long list that combines one field, like Design and orchestration. I started  a survey, spoke with different practitioners about what they do when they talk about orchestration. 

This is an ongoing research, and I will write a paper about what people do when they say they are orchestrating. 

But today, we flip the side and talk with a music orchestrator, or, shall I say, an original orchestrator?

We speak with Robin Hoffmann, a prize-winning composer, arranger and orchestrator from Berlin. We talk about orchestration in music and the difference between composing, orchestrating, arranging and conducting in Hollywood films, games and concerts. 

This is a deep dive into the music industry and all its facets and an inspiration for everyone orchestrating something.

Robin shares with us insights and a great story.

So let’s dive into it.

Listen to Everything about Orchestration

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