What is orchestration?

What is Orchestration? And what is an orchestrator?

What is orchestration?

I see it on LinkedIn and other social media, I hear it in conversations, I see it in job descriptions and in many different places: orchestration.

But, what is it?

And, what is an orchestrator? What do they do?

Is everybody now a musician or music thinker?

Is it important? And Why should we care?  

What challenges surround orchestration exist in different fields, and can music, music thinking, or the grandmaster of orchestration, Rimski-Korsakov, help?

In this short episode, I discuss my pre-research about this in different fields. If you are an orchestrator or use orchestration to explain your work, please fill in the form below.

Listen now to What is Orchestration?

Show notes

  • Pre-research survey: https://forms.office.com/e/MJchG9yEgP 
  • Principles of Orchestration by Rimski-Korsakov on Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/33900/33900-h/33900-h.htm#rimsky1

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