2-Day | Design Thinking with a musical twist
This 2-Day high-energy course will provide you with the fundamentals of understanding humans, generating ideas, and designing solutions that fit the company, the market and the planet.
Additional to a pure innovation-driven Design Thinking workshop, we also show you how Design Thinking relates to Branding and Organisation.
So, our double diamond is the dynamic strategies framework that helps you to understand how Design Thinking connects to other activities in your organisation.
About this course
Human-Centred Design begins with EMPATHY, listening and understanding the needs of people and the organisation. And it leads to REMIX, delivering what is possible, usable and feasible until the next iteration.
This course will walk you through all the steps to develop a service design thinking mindset.
on request
Homework / prior knowledge
English, Dutch, German
Course type
In-company, congress
Next Workshop on location
8 en 15 Maart 2024 in Tiel
in het Nederlands
Aanmelden via: Manders Denken
What you will learn
You will practice all the principal tools, from stakeholder mapping to persona and customer journey mapping to ideation and prototyping.
After the course, you will be able to apply Service Design Thinking in your organisation, start a first workshop and get creative.

Training Flow and content
Ice breakers
Service Design Thinking Introduction
Keynote & Cases
Briefing & Research
Stakeholder Mapping
Quick Profiles / Personas
The Unanswered Question
Customer Journey Mapping
Opportunity Areas
Design Challenge
Energisers, Mindsetters
Ideation & Prototyping
Idea Prioritisation
Service Scenarios
Testing & Pitching
Pitch to Persona and Management
Reflection & Celebration
Meet your coach

Christof Zürn
Former Chief Design Officer at
Design Thinking Center,
Get a certificate

More courses, training and workshops on the Course Overview Page