1-Day | A Playful Customer Journey Mapping Course with the Music Thinking Approach
This customer journey mapping course will give you a basic level of understanding of Service Design in the context of an organisation, the basic tools and mindset with the focus on the customer journey.
About this course
What is a Customer Journey and what is Customer Journey Mapping? What is an ‘as is’ journey and what is a ‘to be’ journey?
This playful and inspiring course will prepare you to kick-start your customer journey project. It will also give you an understanding of what ways a customer journey can be used. For example, as a research tool to gain empathy with your stakeholders or as a decision-making tool or as a service blueprint of future services that you would like to provide.
The tools we will practice in this course are Stakeholder Mapping, Quick Profile, and Customer Journey.
Early Bird Price
Standard Price
495,- p.p.
Homework / prior knowledge
English, Dutch, German
Course type
What you will learn
In this course, we will give you an overview of what a customer journey can mean for an organisation – its pitfalls and its strength. You will experience the tools “learning by doing” and we will discuss different ways to map a customer journey for different situations, using Playmobil Pro, Lego or other tools.

Workshop Flow
Welcome and Intro
Music Thinking Framework and how Service Design, Branding and organisational change relate to each other
Stakeholder mapping
Quick profiles (Personas with quick or no research)
Customer Journey Mapping
How to find areas of opportunity
How to write a good problem statement
Customer Journey operations and the different types of Customer journeys
Examples from a.o. fashion, government, mobility, retail
Meet your coach

Christof Zürn
Founder and Senior Facilitator
More courses, training and workshops on the Course Overview Page